Loads - Distributed Loads

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RISAFoundation allows distributed loads and moments which act along/about the Global Axes. For Y-direction loads, a positive magnitude represents a downward load. Distributed Loads may be assigned manually in the Distributed Loads Spreadsheet or drawn graphically in the model view.

Drawing Distributed Loads

Distributed Loads are linear loads that can be placed anywhere on a slab or beam and can be of uniform, stepped, or varying magnitude. The direction of the load may be defined in the directions of the global axes. Make sure that you are careful to select the correct Load Category that you want the loads assigned to.

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To draw Distributed Loads:

  1. If there is not a model view already open, choose the Add 3D View option from the Open 3D Views drop-down on the View ribbon.

  2. Click the Distributed Load icon on the Home ribbon and define the load in the Properties panel. 

    Click on image to enlarge it

  3. To begin drawing the load, choose Click to Apply.

  4. Click on consecutive drawing grids or nodes to define the load.

    • To apply the load to a selection of beams, choose Apply to Selected.


Distributed Loads Spreadsheet

The Distributed Load Spreadsheet records the distributed loads on all slabs and beams and may be accessed by selecting Distributed Loads from the Data Entry drop-down on the Spreadsheets tab of the ribbon, or by clicking Distributed Loads on the Data Entry toolbar.

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The first column contains the Start Point of the load, and the second column contains the End Point of the load.

The Direction entry is used to select the direction of the load, relative to the Global Axes.

The Start Magnitude and End Magnitude columns are used to enter the magnitudes of the line load. If the start and end magnitudes of a line load are NOT the same, a tapered line load will be created. The units are listed in the column header.